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Send an email to [email protected] if you'd like to be placed on our community email list to be notified of upcoming events, important announcements and other items of interest to the neighborhood.
The Civic Club’s Board of Directors has a standing board meeting the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. The board either meets in person at 218 Joyce St. or online via Zoom. The board does not meet in December.
If you have a concern, complaint or suggestion, please consider attending our meeting or sending an email to [email protected], so we can address your concerns. Let's all work together to make Lindale Park an even better neighborhood!
Find us on Facebook and be a friend of the Lindale Park Civic Club!!
The Civic Club’s Board of Directors has a standing board meeting the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. The board either meets in person at 218 Joyce St. or online via Zoom. The board does not meet in December.
If you have a concern, complaint or suggestion, please consider attending our meeting or sending an email to [email protected], so we can address your concerns. Let's all work together to make Lindale Park an even better neighborhood!
Find us on Facebook and be a friend of the Lindale Park Civic Club!!